*Paragon was created in collaboration with Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW) after researching the effect of temperature on volatile aroma compounds preservation and the resulting sensory flavour outcomes in coffee. ZHAW measured up to 40% more key aroma volatile compounds in the final brew with Paragon than the same brew with no chilling.

Filter Workshop

Duration                                    2 hours

Date                                          Thursday 1pm-3pm

Cost Per Person                       $69

This workshop is suitable for all levels.

Workshop purpose

Compare the difference from V60, Origami, Kalita
and Switch Filter. This class will help you to understand which dripper is more suitable for you.

Class components(1pm-3pm):

  1. Introduce coffee regions
  2. Introduce V60, Origami, Kalita and Switch Filter
  3. Use scale, distributor and Paragon* with different drippers to make the pour over coffee
  4. Compare the different taste from those drippers