Espresso Preparation Workshop
Duration 1 hour
Date Wed/Sat 9am-10am
Cost Per Person $30
This class is recommended for all skill levels and coffee lovers
Delving into the science behind espresso extraction. Help students to make a better espresso at home/Cafe. Collaborating as a group, we will brew and taste a variety of coffees.
Class components (9am-10am):
- Introduce you to the coffee grinder and espresso machine
- Learn how do we choose the coffee beans for commercial cafe/ home
- We will examine how brewing variables such as Does, Yield, Brew Ratio and Extraction Time
- Learn how to use the scale and distributer to make a perfect coffee at home/Cafe
- After class everyone can choose a single origin coffee beans or 2015 World Barista Championship-wining milk base coffee beans to make your own black /white coffee